Monday, 27 April 2020

very late career change

I used to be a teacher of English as an international language, but now I have retired. Now I am just a writer, but a full-time one.
Even while I was an English teacher I wrote and I kept a blog, but not about teaching English. My blog was about certain aspects of Granada that fascinated me. Writing was a hobby then. I will continue to write that blog. You can find it at:
But now, as a full-time writer, I would like to draw your attention to this very late career change, and in particular to the three publications I have lined up, as self-published ebooks.
They are 

  1. 1969. A Year in a Life. - This is a memoir-based novella that relates the everyday life of a young man in that year.
  2. Blinded by Love or Science. - This a collection of poems written over several years. 
  3. Andrewes with an Extra 'E'. - This is an exploration of my family tree, that leads me back to the 1750 portrait of Mr & Mrs Andrew(e)s by Sir Thomas Gainsborough.
For these purposes I am starting this new blog.

I hope to publish these three works together on 2 June 2020. But I will keep you posted.

This is the only photo I have of me and me dad, which I use for the cover page of my family tree research.

You can also find more information  about me and my writings on a page I have added to the Granada la bella website (